

Efficient Operation

Efficient operation of our clients and provide liquidity to the direct trading markets.




Central de Enlaces México
Operation in the foreign exchange market.


Enlaces Prebon México
Association with Prebon Yamane.


Enlace Internacional México
Establishment in the funding market, corporate bonds and international debt market.


Enlace New York. USA
Opening. Start operations with derivatives: Swap TIIE.


Enlace Chile


Enlace Latam Brokers México


Enlace Argentina


Swap Execution Facility Creation


Enlace Colombia



Alejandro Fernández, Enlace Mexico

Alejandro has more than 20 years of experience in CENCOR, specifically in Enlace Int, where he started as Foreign Exchange Trader and shortly after as Derivatives Trader.

In 2007 he was appointed Director of Derivatives, contributing significantly to the consolidation of this area within Enlace.

Alejandro holds a degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Iberoamericana.

Alberto Abuauad, Enlace Chile

Alberto has more than 15 years of experience in the local and international financial sector.

Since 2006 he has participated in the financial industry where he gave his beginnings at ICAP and later arrived at Enlace López León in 2009, where he worked as IRS operator.

In 2014 he was senior vice president at Enlace New York for the latam market and in 2017 he was appointed General Manager at Enlace Chile.

He studied Commercial Engineering at the Diego Portales University and has a diploma in Financial Management from the Catholic University of Chile.

Mario López Lena, Enlace New York

Mario joined the Cencor group in 2006 as a Derivatives Operator in Mexico.

In his career, he has 9 years of experience at BBVA in the Money and Derivatives Market area in Mexico and New York. He also has 16 years of experience as a Financial Broker in the same centers.

He is a graduate from the Iberoamerican University in the career of Business Administration. He has graduates in the areas of Finance and Management from the New York Institute of Finance and The Wharton School.

Matias Martin, Enlace Argentina

Matias has more than 25 years of experience in the local and international financial market.

In 1996 he started as a Financial Operator in the López León Group of the city of Buenos Aires, where he developed most of his professional career, with high experience in international debt markets.

Since 2012 he has been part of the enlace group, managing and forming part of the team of suitable advisors to the investing public through the authorized agent Enlace Int SA., experience and knowledge that leaded in his assumption of the position of operations director next year.

Since september 2020 he is appointed chairman of Enlace Int SA.

He studied a career in Corporate Finance and Banks at Banco de Boston University.