Enlace was the first interdealer Broker in Mexico when in April 1993 we received authorization from the Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público and Banco de México. We started operations in the FX Market in October of the same year and by 1995 became successfully associated with Prebon Yamane, one of the leading brokers in the international financial community. After a seven year prosperous relationship we became independent once again by buying-out their share and changing our name to Enlace Int. Growth and expansion continued both domestically and overseas when in September 2005 the Enlace New York office was inaugurated.
- Spot USD/MXN
- Spot EUR/USD
- Spot EUR/MXN
Money Market
- Government Paper: Bonds, Cetes, Cuponados, Reportos and Udibonos
- Bank Paper: Promissory notes and Bonds
- Commercial Paper
- Corporate Bonds
- Sovereign Spreads
- Futures of Cete 91, FRA´s
- OIS Government and Bank Yield
- TIIE Swaps, UDI-TIIE Swaps, UDI-LIBOR Swaps, TIIE-LIBOR Swaps and Cross Currency Swaps (CCS)
- FX Forwards
- Short Date Forwards
- LatAm NDF´s, Currency Swaps, Spreads-CCS, Fixing including Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru and Chile
- Swaptions, Options (Caps and Floor) and Asset Swaps
New York
Enlace NY Inc. was established in the Wall Street area of Manhattan in September of 2005.
By initially leveraging the leading market position its parent holds across a portfolio of products in Mexico, growth has been substantial with US customers.
Enlace NY has become a dominant force in the peso based Interest Rate Swap market in addition to offering strong support to its client base in Forwards across Latin American countries.
With the recent acquisition of López Leon in Chile by the Enlace Group, it provides yet another strong local access point for Enlace NY to generate information and opportunities for its customers.
In addition to using traditional skilled voice brokers, Enlace NY keeps its customers informed of market prices via its proprietary electronic price distribution system Encast.
- TIIE Swaps, UDI-TIIE Swaps
- FX Forward Swaps
- LatAm NDF`s, Basis Swaps, Spreads-Ccs, Fixing including Argentina, Colombia, Peru and Chile.
López León Brokers was the first interdealer broker in Chile. It began trading in 1996, initially offering brokerage services on Non-Deliverable Forwards (NDF’s).
In 1997, LLB developed an associated relationship with Tullett & Tokyo (today Tullett Prebon), one of the global leaders in interdealer brokerage. This relationship, which lasted ten years, provided LLB with both the vision and the expertise of the international OTC markets.
Since the beginning, we have contributed to the growth of the Chilean local markets with the development and promotion of such products as NDF’s, Bond Auctions, Insurances of Inflation and Interest Rate Swap. In December of 2009, Enlace Int S.A. de C.V. acquired LLB, changing its name to Enlace López León, name which later changed to Enlace Chile.
- Local Forwads USD/CLP
- Non Delivery Forwards
- Spreads
- Fixing
Money Market
- Cash Deposits
- Overnight Funds
Bonds Market
- UF Bonds
- CLP Bonds
- Mortage Bonds
- Banking Bonds
Derivatives Market
- Insurance of Inflation
- Interest Rate Swap
- Basis
Began its operations in Argentina in 1980 and in Brasil, Chile and Uruguay in 1994, 1996 and 2003 respectively.
In 1997 LLB started working in association with Tullet & Tokio ( today Tullet Prebon), a world lifer in Interbanking Brokerage, which allow LLB to have a international vision of OTC Markets.
Since 2003, LLB acquired a membership as an agent of the “Mercado a Término de Rosario S.A (ROFEX).
Since its beginnings LLB has contributed to the development of the markets introducing and promoting new products and technological innovations. In February 2012 Enlace Latam Brokers acquire LLB, becoming Enlace López León.
On september of 2014 it has obtained the license number granted by the CNV (Comisión Nacional de Valores) in the category of ACVN (Agente de Corretaje de Valores Negociables) Number 482.
Bond market
- Bonds in pesos
- Bonds in dollars
- Emerging Market Bonds
- Central Bank Bills and Notes
- Corporate Bonds
- Bond Swaps
Rofex Market
- Dollar/Peso Futures